My name is Steve Adamy and I am the Finishing Production Supervisor. I have been happily employed by Meridian Products for three years.
Having been in the kitchen cabinet business for 44 years, I’d say the kitchen business is in my blood. My father and grandfather were also in the business, and I have
worn many hats over the years.
I started out as a teenager building and installing drawer boxes, staining, sanding, spraying, shipping/ receiving, working my way up to supervisor, plant manager, VP of Operations, and eventually owner of Kapri Kitchens. When that business unfortunately closed, I thought it was a good time to venture out and try something new.
After sampling a few other jobs – from working with toner to building windows – I realized that my heart just wasn’t into those jobs. I missed the kitchen/ woodworking business.
I am grateful to Meridian Products for the opportunity to return to my passion!
I feel that my experience in the industry has enabled me to bring some new and old school ideas to Meridian.
We have moved the sanders out of the finishing room and we have installed new LED lighting
to better see finishes – color wise. We have also added an inspector at the end of the finishing process before it ships to make sure everything is up to par. We have established new sanding techniques, and those who do sanding are having more extensive training on using a pigmented putty so all defects can be removed prior to finish so that we are producing the best quality product possible. We added three blow- off booths so we can blow off the doors before they go to the finishing room.
Fun Facts: We paint on average, 250 – 300 doors per day of varying colors and sheens! We “finish” approximately 120 drawer boxes per day.
I enjoy getting out to meet the dealers to look firsthand at their operation and to see how we may better assist them. I take great satisfaction in working with and training new people, showing them more effective ways to get things done, and I have great pride in the work that we do. Teamwork is important. My interaction and relationship with the management and executives at Meridian Products is excellent as they treat their employees with the utmost respect.
My wife, Colleen, and I are the proud parents of three grown children. When we are not at work, we enjoy spending time with our five amazing grandchildren and attending all of their sporting events, concerts, etc. I also enjoy listening to classic rock & roll music, watching football, and a good IPA! Family is number one to me and I’m proud to be a part of the Meridian family!